Investing without insurance!Investing without insurance!

Why does the average investor is making far less money than the sophisticated investor? Well, they are lots o reasons why these happens.

One of the most important reasons is the lack of financial education, and the lack of information, which in our era is more important than the usual education, the kind of education that we receive at school.

The average investor, invests accordingly with the advices that they are receiving from their financial advisors…

Invest on long term. Diversify. Buy cheap stocks.

And they continue to buy and lose. But what happens when the market is starting to fall? What are the financial advisors telling them?…

Don’t worry. Continue investing on the long term.

But how long is the period included in the expression “long term”?

In the operations known as “commodity futures”, the expression “long term” could mean 30 seconds. In business or real estate, the same expression could mean centuries.

The majority of the people who invests at the stock market, are people over 50 years and in a few years will retire. What will this people do if the market will crush tomorrow, or next month, or next year, or over 5 years from now?

Are they protected?
Are they prepared for that?

An article from USA Today, says that the main fear of Americanness is not having money.

Do you realize? Americanness don’t fear of a nuclear war, or the end of the world, or a new terrorist attack, they fear of not having money.

Then, why do so many people is investing without insurance? Why so many people is risking all the savings, all the money they worked for they’re entire life?

The investment process doesn’t have to be risky. Although the risk exists, the investments doesn’t have to be risky. And you don’t have to lose when the market decrease.

Tell me, please…

Would you buy a car without insurance? — That would be a total madness.

Would you buy a house without insurance? — That would be even a bigger madness.

Do you agree with me?

If yes, tell me please…


The average investor is interested by average things, that’s why is average. Average things are for the average people. Average investors like lukewarm things. But, if you want to be rich you must move away from the medium.

The average investor wins when the market grows and lose when the market decline.

The sophisticated investor makes money in both situations, especially when the market declines.

You can become rich when the market grows, but you can become very rich when the market falls.

So, while the average investor invest without any kind of insurance, the sophisticated investor invests with insurance.

And guess who is making more money, in less time and with little or no risks.

So, if you want to be a rich man, think like an rich man.

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